Rabu, 28 September 2011

Numerical Rating Scales

Some rating scales are called numerical rating scales. Usually numerical rating scales are also constant alternatives type; however it is possible to change the alternatives and produce a numerical rating scale that is of the changing alternatives type. In using a numerical rating scale, the rater or observer simply checks or circles a number  to indicate the degree to which a behavior is present or to indicate the degree of quality present in the behavior performance. Usually each of the numbers in the series is given a verbal description so that the rater is sure of the meanings of the numbers codes. Sometimes, however, the observer is merely informed that the highest numbers refers to a high rating, the lowest number refers to a low rating and the other numbers represent intermediate values. In the example  on this page, role playing by young children.

Role Playing by Young Children
Date : …………………………………………….
Name                    : ………………………………………………
Observer             : ………………………………………………
Directions            : Indicate your rating of the child’s role playing behaviors by circling the number of your rating.
Key :  5= Excellent
           1= very poor
         N/O= no Opportunity to observe

How does the child perform a role when he has had an opportunity to plan for it ahead of time ?
1     2     3    4    5                      N/O
How does the child perform a role when he has had no opportunity to plan for it ahead ?

1     2     3    4    5                      N/O
How well does the child use appropriate vocabulary for his role ?

1     2     3    4    5                      N/O
How well does the child use appropriate actions for his role ?

1     2     3    4    5                      N/O
How well does the child use appropriate props for his role ?

1     2     3    4    5                      N/O
How well does the child respond to the words and actions of the others involved in the role playing?

1     2     3    4    5                      N/O

Comments :
Young children, only the end points of the scale have been described and the rater would have to use her own judgment about what constitutes the intermediate points. We will see that, often, describing only  the end points of the scale is possible when developing a numerical scale or when developing some other type of descriptive rating scales – especially graphic rating scales.

Simple Graphic Rating Scales
A simple graphic scale is one in which a line is drawn and points along the line are identified. The rater is allowed to mark anywhere along the line, even between the points that have been identified. The graphic part of the simple graphic rating scale consists of a simple horizontal line.
Whenever the categories marked along the continuum or graph are the same for each behavior dimension, the rating scale – even though it is a graphic rating scale – would be called a constant alternatives type of rating scale.

Project Activities Rating Scale
Date : …………………………………………………
Name                    : ……………………………………………………………..
Observer             : …………………………………………………………….
Description of Project Activity : ………………………………………………………………………………..
Directions            : Place a check mark at any point along the line to indicate your judgment of the child’s performance on that item. If you have had insufficient opportunities to observe the child, circle N/O

1.       Is the child prepared for the meetings of the group ?
2.       Does the child show an interest in the project ?
3.       Does the child participate in making plans for the next steps ?
4.       Does the child cause other children to become interested in the project ?
5.       Does the child engage in behaviors which disrupt the group activities ?
6.       Does the child contribute ideas during group meeting ?
7.       Does the child contribute materials during group meeting ?
8.       Does the child exhibit any commitment to the project above and beyond the scheduled group activities ?
Comment :

Descriptive Graphic Rating Scale
A type of rating scale in which each of the degrees of quality or frequency are specially described in extensive behavioral terms is called specific descriptive rating scale. The results yielded through the use of the descriptive graphic rating scale are generally the most objective information available through the use of rating scale to record observations.
Sample items for descriptive graphic rating scales
Notes : Raters may mark anywhere along the line

To what extent is the child interested in books ?
( ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… )
Handles books                                  Handles books                                     Handles books very
Carelessly; never                             carefully ; is curious                            carefully ; knows
Chooses books during free          sometimes choose activity             engages in some free choice activity

To what extent is the child listen attentively ?
( ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… )
Never listen; looks around                           sits fairly still and listens                                is very attentive in listening
Get’s up and walks away when                               for at least 5 minutes                                      
Someone talk to him

To what extent is the child
( ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… )
Never chooses art activities                        participates in most available                      enthusiastically
During free time                                               art activities                                                        participates in all available art

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